The behaviour of each student while on the bus directly affects the safety of everyone on the bus. Students whose conduct endangers the safety or interferes with the comfort of others may have their riding privileges revoked. Every student is expected to behave in accordance with the following school bus safety rules and regulations:
- Carry your busing ID card at all times
- Be at your pick-up point at least 5 minutes early
- Obey the bus driver at all times
- Be courteous and respectful at all times
- Be seated quickly and remain seated until the driver allows you off of the bus
- Keep books, lunch boxes, knapsacks and bulky items secure on your lap
- Keep the aisles clear at all times
- Leave windows closed unless authorized by the driver to open them
- Keep arms and head inside the bus at all times
- Refrain from shouting, fighting, or horseplay
- Avoid pushing or crowding when getting on or off the bus
- Do not carry potentially dangerous objects and/or materials
- Students will be held financially responsible for damage done to the bus due to vandalism or other improper behaviour
Student Discipline Process
Bus drivers will report incidents of poor student behaviour in writing (pink slip) to Next Stop School Busing Management. If riding privileges are suspended, there will be no refund for the cost of busing.
1st Pink Slip – Verbal warning to student of misbehaviour
2nd Pink Slip – Parents notified of student misbehaviour
3rd Pink Slip – Written notice to parents and student with a warning of suspension
Any further misbehaviour following a 3rd pink slip may result in suspension from the bus for a period of time at the discretion of Next Stop management
Next Stop was founded in 1994 with a key purpose, to provide children with a safe ride to school. Two working mothers joined forces to create a solution to bus their school aged children to and from school. 20 years later, this vibrant growing family business has travelled 1 million plus kilometres moving over 4000 students to and from school and extracurricular activities.